Room with two E-Pianos near Munich


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Upright Piano
Music lesson, Practice - Solo, Practice - Singing/instrumental
WI-FI, Projector, Toilets, Window
Up to 2 person(s)
21 - 30 m²
The dimensions quoted are approximate. Therefore, this information is voluntary and non-binding.

Ungestört, Still.

Undisturbed, Silent.


Zwei E-Pianos im Untergeschoss ca. 23qm

Der Raum verfügt über Decken-Schalldämmung und einen fluffigen Teppichboden.

(Zieht die Botten aus - ich hab keine Lust hinter Euch herzukerchern ;-)

Notenständer oder Monitor mit HDMI Anschluss gibt's auch.

Roland RD2000

Roland RD64

23sqm basement room with two electric pianos:

Soundproof ceiling and fluffy carpet - so shoes off please ;-)

Music stand or monitor with HDMI connection

Room usage policies:

Das übliche: Hinterlasse den Raum so wie Du ihn vorgefunden hast.

The usual: Leave the room as you found it. (Boyscout rule)

Cancellation Policy:

Hosts can always cancel the booking free of charge. In case of cancellation by a host you will be informed and the full amount will be refunded.

The person hiring the room can cancel the booking free of charge if the booking is cancelled at least 24-hours in advance (before the start of booking). Below is the summary of the cancellation policies made under 24-hours prior to booking start time:

- 100% refund if cancelled 24-hours in advance.

- Full refund if cancelled at least 24-hours in advance.

Listing created Oct 1, 2022

Discover further options in a radius of 10 km in

Renting out: Hoffmann Klavier
€11.50 / hour
Hoffmann Klavier
München (3.67km away)

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