Varaždin, K
Ul. Vatroslava Lisinskog, 42000, Varaždin, Kroatien

Upright Piano

Practice - Solo, Practice - Singing/instrumental, Ensemble rehearsal


WI-FI, Toilets, Window, Air conditioning

Up to 4 person(s)

11 - 20 m²
The dimensions quoted are approximate. Therefore, this information is voluntary and non-binding.

In der Villa Lisinsky in Varazdin, Nordkroatien, gibt es mehrere Übemöglichkeiten. Eine davon ist das blaue Zimmer mit einem Legnica Klavier.
Room usage policies:
Den Raum bitte sauber und ordentlich verlassen.
Cancellation Policy:
Hosts can always cancel the booking free of charge. In case of cancellation by a host you will be informed and the full amount will be refunded.
The person hiring the room can cancel the booking free of charge if the booking is cancelled at least 48-hours in advance (before the start of booking). Below is the summary of the cancellation policies made under 48-hours prior to booking start time:
The person hiring the room can cancel the booking free of charge if the booking is cancelled at least 48-hours in advance (before the start of booking). Below is the summary of the cancellation policies made under 48-hours prior to booking start time:
- 50% refund if cancelled 48-hours in advance.
- Full refund if cancelled at least 48-hours in advance.
Listing created
Mar 19, 2024